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C1: Uniswap Sample


DEPRECATED /v1/listswaps

On the previous version of /v1/listswaps; last_price was mistakenly inverted. /v2/listswaps is the corrected version. /v1/listswaps has been deprecated but will still be supported.

Query params:

  • network: mainnet (default) / testnet

Sample output:

"ETH_DFI": {
"base_id": "1",
"base_name": "Ether",
"base_symbol": "ETH",
"quote_id": "0",
"quote_name": "Default Defi token",
"quote_symbol": "DFI",
"last_price": "1014.38963182",
"base_volume": "*",
"quote_volume": "*"
"BTC_DFI": {
"base_id": "2",
"base_name": "Bitcoin",
"base_symbol": "BTC",
"quote_id": "0",
"quote_name": "Default Defi token",
"quote_symbol": "DFI",
"last_price": "34734.50763876",
"base_volume": "*",
"quote_volume": "*"
"base_id": "3",
"base_name": "Tether USD",
"base_symbol": "USDT",
"quote_id": "0",
"quote_name": "Default Defi token",
"quote_symbol": "DFI",
"last_price": "1.60368329",
"base_volume": "*",
"quote_volume": "*"
TypeScript Definitions
interface LegacyListSwapsResponse {
[key: string]: LegacySwapData

interface LegacySwapData {
base_id: string
base_name: string
base_symbol: string
quote_id: string
quote_name: string
quote_symbol: string
last_price: string
base_volume: number
quote_volume: number
isFrozen: 0 | 1

C2: Subgraph Sample


Query params:

  • network: mainnet (default) / testnet
  • limit: the number of swaps to receive. Default is 30 which is also the maximum.
  • next: next cursor token, provided by response for pagination

Sample output:

"data": {
"swaps": [
"id": "0187bf0e1ec6a292f1a216faca1e17f9cb970423c84c0424ac4f370124e64716",
"timestamp": "1646642458",
"from": {
"amount": "10000.00000000",
"symbol": "DUSD"
"to": {
"amount": "2883.39414293",
"symbol": "DFI"
"id": "4ce4310a28ba7883a989064fba09ed9a10a7583fe8899f5cacbdac6b893bb914",
"timestamp": "1646642458",
"from": {
"amount": "50.00000000",
"symbol": "AAPL"
"to": {
"amount": "9298.05805564",
"symbol": "DUSD"
"id": "3087d17306b9fa6ad8128cf61bbb51a3b895adaddb477a7771d94256a838ed3c",
"timestamp": "1646642458",
"from": {
"amount": "111.52051200",
"symbol": "DUSD"
"to": {
"amount": "2.30706309",
"symbol": "EEM"
"page": {
"next": "eyJoZWlnaHQiOiIxNjg1OTE2Iiwib3JkZXIiOiI1NyJ9"
TypeScript Definitions
interface SubgraphSwapsResponse {
data: {
swaps: SubgraphSwap[]
page?: {
next: string

interface SubgraphSwap {
id: string
timestamp: string
from: SubgraphSwapFromTo
to: SubgraphSwapFromTo

interface SubgraphSwapFromTo {
amount: string
symbol: string

C3: Yield Farming Sample


Query params:

  • network: mainnet (default) / testnet

Sample output:

"pools": [
"apr": 357.40539908693245,
"name": "Ether-Default Defi token",
"pair": "ETH-DFI",
"logo": "",
"poolRewards": [
"totalStaked": 1660911.530270244,
"pairLink": ""
"apr": 401.1516191325137,
"name": "Bitcoin-Default Defi token",
"pair": "BTC-DFI",
"logo": "",
"poolRewards": [
"totalStaked": 12578185.205055784,
"pairLink": ""
"apr": 365.635294364571,
"name": "Tether USD-Default Defi token",
"pair": "USDT-DFI",
"logo": "",
"poolRewards": [
"totalStaked": 811763.4668665677,
"pairLink": ""
"provider": "Defichain",
"provider_logo": "",
"provider_URL": "",
"links": [
{ "title": "Twitter", "link": "" },
{ "title": "YouTube", "link": "" },
{ "title": "Reddit", "link": "" },
{ "title": "Telegram", "link": "" },
{ "title": "LinkedIn", "link": "" },
{ "title": "Facebook", "link": "" },
{ "title": "GitHub", "link": "" },
{ "title": "Discord", "link": "" }
TypeScript Definitions
interface ListYieldFarmingData {
pools: ListYieldFarmingPool[]
provider: string
provider_logo: string
provider_URL: string
tvl: number
links: Array<{
title: string
link: string

interface ListYieldFarmingPool {
name: string
pair: string
pairLink: string
logo: string
poolRewards: string[]
apr: number
totalStaked: number